Vermicompost/ Worm Castings

Vermicompost/ Worm Castings

from $8.99

Vermicomposting is completed through red wiggler farming rotated through bins of our craft worm bedding blend of composted materials, alpaca compost, leaf/wood mulch, rice hulls, oats, roasted barley, rock dusts, biochar, volcanic minerals and alfalfa, The worm beds are top fed with minerals and dynamic greens composted with our farm’s alpaca manure, watered with our natural inputs, propagated through bins and screened as we complete the composting process. The outcome is a light, fluffy, mineral rich, nutritious, diverse and microbial rich vermicompost your soil, garden, and plants will love. Used as an organic fertilizer, soil amendment, base for teas and natural pesticide.

Used as an organic fertilizer, soil amendment, base for teas and natural pesticide.

Mix with soil, Top feed soil.

Blend for a tea, use for your planting needs.

Provides nutrients to the soil.

Increases the soil’s ability to hold nutrients in a plant-available form.

Improves the soil structure.

Improves the aeration and internal drainage.

Increases the water holding ability.

Provides numerous beneficial bacteria, organisms.

Much more

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