
Country Roots Ltd. is a family run business specializing in Modern Natural Farming Techniques (MNFT)/ organic farming techniques and practices. Country Roots is led by a Professional Geologist who has devoted his life to Natural Sciences and the study of our physical and chemical environment. Individually, we live in all types of environments and consume from Nature. We need to take care of ourselves and Nature. We do our part by farming with Nature and not using invasive chemicals in our farming practices. We compost materials, regenerate a "living soil", feed our crops with Microbes, Dynamic Accumulator and Diverse species of plants, fruits, and other remains from nature. We can all do our part in healing the environment by giving back and farming with nature, as all of our ancestors once farmed. Our mission is to spread the message/ educate the farming community through a community based platform, allowing our community to feel and experience our day-to-day process and activities. We want to help bring back Natural Farming. We will share our gardening photos, tips and strategies. Along with our Environmental and Farming knowledge is an extensive hobby of home-brewing. We have brewed and fermented many styles of beverages and nutrients. We have favorite ale, cider, wine, kombucha, probiotics, you name-it recipes. Come see the store and talk with our knowledgeable staff. We hope that you will share with our Social community so that we can grow together. Tune-In to our newsletter and  stay up-to-date on current events within the farming / brewing community, one-stop seminars, and important information on organic cultivating. Check out our "Shop" for the latest and greatest farming products, home-brewing supplies, farming accessories, and merchandise. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions and we will gladly assist you in the best way we can. We are here for our community and want to grow with you as we grow. Please contact us if you have any questions on products or ferments/nutrients utilized.
